Offensive social media


Mobile hacking

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Karthikeyan V
Mentor For Offensive social media And Mobile hacking
India , Chennai
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  • Basic IT skills
  • Basic knowledge of Linux and/or Windows
  • Understand basic computer networking
  • Laptop or PC with minimum 2 - 4 GB Ram


  • This course is created only for educational purposes and all the attacks are done in live not in labs and All the attacks shown in this course are properly disclosed with the required Permission

Who this course is for:

  • Cyber Crime Investigator
  • IT students and/or passionate
  • Anyone who want to learn the ethical hacking
  • Cyber Security related students

What you will learn:

  • Networking
  • Web Development (DNS Setup,PHP) & Hacking
  • Social media Hacking
  • Log Analysis
  • Python
  • Linux
  • Android studio
  • Android hacking
  • System hacking
  • BackDoor Development

Course Details:

  • Duration : 50 days
  • Ordinary pricing : 5000 inr
  • Course language : Tamil
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Course Curriculum

Chapter - 1 : Web Development Front End and Server setup

  1. 1. HTML 1
  2. 2. HTML 2
  3. 3. PHP web Server Hosting 1
  4. 4. Apache web Server Hosting 2
  5. 5. Static IP
  6. 4. Log Analysis

Chapter - 2 : Web Development Back End and Server setup

  1. 1. PHP Basic 1
  2. 2. Connecting Frontend & Backend
  3. 3. PHP Basic 2
  4. 4. PHP Basic 3
  5. 5. Setting up Server and Live attack
  6. 6. All About Web Hosting
  7. 7. Setting up Cloud Hosting Server
  8. 8. All about DNS Server

Chapter - 3 : Social Media Hacking

  1. 1. About Social Media Hacking
  2. 2. Ways to attack Social Account
  3. 3. Live Demo pishing Attack
  4. 4. Live PayPal Account Hacking
  5. 5. Complete Web App coding
  6. 6. Instagram Account Hacking
  7. 7. Google Account Hacking
  8. 8. FaceBook Account Hacking
  9. 9. NetFlix Account Hacking
  10. 10. Adobe Account Hacking
  11. 11. SnapChat Account Hacking
  12. 12. Spotify Account Hacking
  13. 13. Twitch Account Hacking
  14. 14. Twitter Account Hacking
  15. 15. Spear phishing Attack
  16. 16. Python KeyLogger
  17. 17. PHP KeyLogger
  18. 18. Live KeyLogger attack
  19. 19. About Session attack
  20. 20. Session Attack
  21. 21. Google Session Attack (Live) POC
  22. 22. FITBIT Session Attack (Live) POC
  23. 23. TripAdvisor Session Attack (Live) POC

Chapter - 4 : Web Hacking

  1. 1. About IDN Attack
  2. 2. About SPF Attack
  3. 3. Spf Live Attack
  4. 4. Attacking the Attacker
  5. 5. Burp SetUp
  6. 6. All About Burp
  7. 7. Brute Forcing Attack with Burp
  8. 8. Dictionary Attack with Burp
  9. 9. Stealing Attacker DB
  10. 10. Hijacking Attacker DB
  11. 11. Prevention

Chapter - 5 : Mobile Hacking

  1. 1. About Mobile Hacking
  2. 2. Creating Trojan
  3. 3. Delivering Trojan
  4. 4. Understanding Console
  5. 5. Mobile Shell
  6. 6. Activity Starting
  7. 7. SMS Hacking
  8. 8. Path Explore
  9. 9. WebCam Hacking
  10. 10. Port Forwarding
  11. 11. Getting Connection
  12. 12. Static Ip
  13. 13. Static IP Setup
  14. 14. Payload with Static IP
  15. 15. Getting Connection (SIP)
  16. 16. Automated Hacking
  17. 17. Hacking Android with Python
  18. 18. Hacking Android with Bash
  19. 19. Hacking Android with Link
  20. 20. Hacking Android with USB
  21. 21. Hacking someone android (LIVE) IP
  22. 21. Android Prevention
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